In this blog, we go over how to add Avalanche to the MetaMask wallet. First, we talk a bit about what Avalanche is and what it can do, etc. If you do not want to read about that and directly want to see how to add Avalanche to MetaMask. You can go down this page and start reading from “Getting Avalanche on MetaMask”.
What is Avalanche
The Avalanche blockchain consensus was published online in the year 2018. With its public sale of the AVAX token following 2 years later. The official public sale of the Avalanche token started on June 15 2020 and sold out after only 4 hours. Raising a total of 42 million USD. Not too long after the public sale, the network went live. In September 2020 the blockchain launched with many Dapps migrating to the chain almost timidity. The Avalanche blockchain also works as a DAG-optimised blockchain. Meaning it can run transactions in parallel. Because of this, some particular transactions on the network will not slow it down. What we see happening a lot these days on older chains.
Avalanche Consensus
The thing that makes Avalanche so special is its own consensus mechanism. Now we won’t go over the details of this, as that would make this blog a bit too long and complicated. We do however talk about the benefits of this mechanism. The Avalanche consensus mechanism can be seen as a bit of a combination of the classical consensus and the Nakamoto consensus mechanism. Meaning it has the benefits of both. Because of this Avalanche has scalability, robustness, high decentralization, low latency, high throughput, lightweight, sustainability, and resilience to 51% attacks. So it basically combines the benefits of both. The network makes use of something called “network gossiping”. This simply means that the network nodes constantly keep on checking in with their neighboring nodes to see the current state of the network.
Proof of Stake
The Avalanche P.O.S. (Proof Of Stake) utilizes its own blockchain token. Just like other POS blockchains do. This means that to run a node and validate transactions, validators need to stake some of the AVAX tokens. The larger the stake of tokens the bigger the block reward they receive. To become a staker in the network nodes will need to stake a minimum of 2000 AVAX. Because of this model, the AVAX tokens have an extra utility in the network, making the token more valuable. The token can of course also be used for paying the transaction fee on the network and deploying smart contracts. So as the network grows the price of the token will most likely follow. Besides that the Avalanche network works with Proof Of Stake, the network does allow for sub-nets to be deployed on it. These sub-nets however do not have any requirement to be Proof Of Stake only and can be Proof Of Work too if desired.
Avalanche Network stats
Because of all the reasons mentioned above the Avalanche network has some impressive stats. For example, the network currently can process up to 4500 TPS. Has transaction finality in under 2 seconds. Has already thousands of nodes, and much more is to come. As Avalanche plans to further upgrade into the future. And the network grows larger and larger. Making it compete with traditional payment providers like Visa and Mastercard.
Dapps moving to Avalanche
When Avalanche launched many of the popular Dapps also moved to the new chain. Because of the recent scaling issues with Ethereum, a new chain with high throughput like Avalanche looks of course very interesting. But not only old, already existing Dapps came to the network. Also, many new projects decided to launch on the chain and use it as their native blockchain. Some of these are projects like Trader Joe, Pangolin Exchange, Avalaunch, and many more. As the blockchains, ecosystem, and user base grows. It is to be expected that more Dapps will be developed on the network. Currently, the Moralis Web3 development platform already offers its services for Avalanche, making it much easier to build on top of it. As it brings more new developers to the network.
Wallets that support Avalanche
Because Avalanche uses the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) it can super easily be integrated into wallets that let you manually add an EVM like Metamask, My Ether Wallet, Coinbase wallet, and many more. But besides these kinds of wallets, the chain also automatically added too many other wallets and exchanges. With hardware wallets like Ledger supporting the network and many computer, web, and mobile wallets as well. To get it to your own wallet, you can easily send it from an exchange like Binance to your Avalanche wallet. So you can start using Avalanche Defi, or other Dapps with it. But in case that you have some tokens that you would like to bridge to the Avalanche network. So that you can start using it there with lower network fees and congestion. You can use an Avalanche bridge for that. Some wallets support a direct multichain Avalanche bridge from within the wallet but you can also go to the official Avalanche Bridge that can be found here. Now see below “How to add Avalanche to MetaMask”!
Getting Avalanche on MetaMask
So to add the Avalanche to MetaMask you have to open the MetaMask wallet. Once you have MetaMask installed, open it up on the full screen. So you will have the same screen as in our example here.

Now go to the top right of the screen where it says “Ethereum Mainnet” and click on the little arrow pointing down next to it. This opens the network’s tap where you can select all different types of EVM blockchains (Ethereum virtual machine) networks. Now here you can click on the Custom RPC to add a new custom EVM blockchain network of your choice. In this case, the Avalanche.

Now Metamask will ask you for the data needed to connect the wallet to the Avalanche. Please fill in the list below.
Network Name - Avalanche
Chain ID - 43114
Symbol - AVAX
Block Explorer URL -

When you have done this, you can just click save. And now you have added the Avalanche to your MetaMask wallet. If you would like to switch between the EVM blockchains. Simply click on the Network button in the top right of the screen to select another blockchain. Because adding different types of EVM blockchains works the same, you can add any EVM blockchain in the same way. But instead of the list given in this blog, you replace that with another network’s ChainID, symbol, etc. We hope this blog post helped you to integrate a new EVM into your MetaMask crypto wallet. So that you can now use Avalanche as much as you want.
Find your wallet here
In case you want to see all the other wallets supporting Avalanche. You can simply take a look here to filter between all wallets that do! So we hope this article taught you more about how to add Avalanche to MetaMask wallet. But in case you have Questions regarding Avalanche or Ethereum? Feel free to ask them on our online Facebook or Telegram groups. Because we are happy to help whenever we can!
So now that you know How to add Avalanche to MetaMask. We hope that you are ready to start using your own Avalanche wallet.