Zebedee Wallet Review
In this Zebedee wallet review blog, we take a look at the Zebedee Mobile App. Zebedee is a hosted Bitcoin lightning network wallet focused on the gaming industry. With their strategy to make gamers into Bitcoiners, they push adoption to the front. This can be interesting for Bitcoiners and no-coiners alike. The Zebedee wallet has had its focus on the Bitcoin lightning network since its beginning and pushes the adoption of its wallet, games, and partner products at a high speed. Although (at the moment of writing) their wallet is still very new and has not seen a huge amount of downloads. Their presence in the crypto space has not gone unnoticed and seems to be one of the fastest-growing lighting wallets out there.
Check out the Zebedee website here.
So let’s now take a closer look at our Zebedee wallet review!
How to use Zebedee
What makes Zebedee unique is not their focus on ease of use. But that they also really succeeded in it. Many crypto wallets do focus on ease of use but do not really make it that easy for beginners. What Zebedee has done differently is that they let you create an account with either your Bitstamp exchange, Google Discord, or email account. This way you as a user do not have to deal with any of the technicalities of the private key etc. If you already asked it. Yes, this means Zebedee is a custodial wallet. Meaning they hold the private key and thus the access over your Bitcoin.
To start using Zebedee you only have to create an account in 2 seconds with one of the mentioned social accounts and you are ready to go. Now you have your wallet you can add a gamer tag to use the wallet to its full potential. More on that later on.
The wallet has an easy-to-understand design with basically just a home page and a profile page where you can find all the things you need. On the home page (aka your wallet page) you find your recent spendings and earnings. Here you can either choose to pay someone or request money. You can do this either by using a Bitcoin lighting address or scanning a lightning invoice.
Then on the profile page, you can change your settings, find your gamer tag, and check wallet security. By turning on 2fa for example. If we go to “personal” in this menu it is important to note that you can verify your wallet. When doing so your spending and receiving limit will increase. If you plan on using the wallet for larger amounts of Sats this can work for you.
On the same profile page, we can also find a way to change the appearance of the wallet. Currently, you can just choose 3 theme options. These are Light, Dark, and Satoshi. These give a nice little change to the wallet. But it would be nice to see some extra in the future to give us as a user a bit more options.
Storage and Private Keys in Zebedee
The crypto industry is usually all about privacy and self custody. But this creates a bit of a dilemma. Because self custody does make this a bit more difficult for the end-users in many cases. That’s why multiple options exist and some give you more control than others. With Zebedee, you may not have direct control of your private key. But the wallet does give you a super easy-to-use Bitcoin lighting wallet.
On top of that, it allows you to have (semi) privacy at the same time. As with Zebedee, you can just create a wallet with a social account. Giving you the space to attach your real or fake name to this account. On top of that if you just use Zebedee for playing Bitcoin games and want to send your hard-earned Sats privately to any other place. You can. Because the Bitcoin lightning network does offer a quiet private way of transacting. By making your transactions so that they are not out there to be seen by the whole world.

Zebedee Gamer tag
Okay, we have arrived at the best part of this review. The Zebedee gamer tag. Yes, Gamer tag. Bitcoin was once all about being a free worldwide transaction network. Then changed to digital gold. But is not evolving once again to an online and in-game currency. With the lightning network working perfectly new features came to Bitcoin that were not possible before. Because of the Bitcoin Micro-payments that can flow over the network games can integrate Bitcoin as an in-game incentive. You can already do this with amounts as small as a MiliSatoshi. Which hold a current value of almost nothing, many zeros after a $ cent.
Gamers can earn or spend this in games that make use of their in-game economy by integrating Bitcoin into it. But as a gamer to start earning from this, they will need a wallet. And most important and easy way to send and receive their earned Sats. To help with this Zebedee has something they call their “gamer tags”. These are basically email addresses that can be used to receive or send Sats to. They look like this ” yadawallets@zbd.gg “. Feel free to send us some Sats to test it out ;).
The Zebedee gamer tags can be filled in with many Bitcoin games so that they can pay you out instantly. This works much better as you do not have to request an invoice go to the wallet and wait for the confirmation. No, with the gamer tags withdrawal goes automatically and takes about a millisecond of time.
Zebedee infuse
Zebedee infuse is one of the very interesting projects from Zebedee. Here they have layered the Bitcoin lightning network on top of the popular FPS CS:GO. This gives players the opportunity to compete in came for Sats. Players can enter a game room with a certain buy-in amount. And then compete with each other. The winners will basically receive the losses Sats. Making it an interesting game of skill that can create an income for good players.
This is similar to what Chain Games is trying to achieve with their games on the Polygon network.
But do not worry if you are not that good at CS:GO (I’m pretty bad too). Zebedee has free to join rounds going on all the time that are being sponsored by third parties. This gives noobies an option to join a game for free and still compete and earn Satoshis. Not only is this nice for noobs but also brings gamers that did not have any BTC before into the Bitcoin club. By giving them free BTC for the games they were already playing.
For now, ZBD infuse only runs on CS:GO. But it would be really cool to see it also layer on top of other games in the future.
Zebedee Bitcoin vouchers
Got a friend you want to bring into Bitcoin? Or maybe you want to give some Sats to someone for their Birthday? Well, you can. With a build-in voucher system, you can simply put some Sats aside that other people can claim with the Bitcoin voucher. If you would like to bring some of your friends and family into Bitcoin. Just create them a small voucher so they can claim their Sats and start stacking. Especially if you have some skilled gamer friends. You could send a Sats vouchers so they can start competing in Bitcoin games. So they can start stacking Sats.

Is Zebedee’s wallet safe?
Yes, Zebedee wallet is totally safe. We have tested the wallet, their games and asked questions to their support many times. And we can conclude that the wallet is perfectly safe to use. With us almost using the wallet on a daily basis for quite some time (to receive our in-game earnings). So when it comes to being a safe place to keep Stack your Sats you can say it is.
Now holding or investing in Bitcoin will always have volatility against fiat currencies. So keep that in mind as we nor Zebedee are responsible for Bitcoin price swings. And only you hold the responsibilities over your finances.
However, if you use Zebedee in the same way as us. You will probably not even spend any fiat to buy Bitcoin. But instead, earn it all by playing games. We already earned ourselves many drinks by doing so. And on top of that, the value of these Sats just seems to go up over time. So what better way to stack some sats!
Check out some games you can play to make some free Bitcoin here!
Zebedee Fees
So do you pay Fees for using the Zebedee wallet? Yes, you do. This should not come as a huge surprise as the wallet and the team needs to provide for themselves too. But don’t worry the fees in Zebedee are minimal. With only a 1% transaction fee on all transactions outside of the wallet. Meaning that if you want to send some Satoshis to your friend that also uses Zebedee wallet. He/she or you will not have to pay any fees. The 1% fee only applies when you make a purchase or transfer to another Bitcoin lightning network wallet.
Zebedee bonuses
Although paying a fee may not be your favorite thing. Zebedee does give you some other benefits. Like at the moment that we have been testing the Zebedee wallet. They ran a promotion for Bitcoin gamers and doubled all their earnings for the whole month of December. This got us to use the wallet for quite some time. Because who does not like double earnings on their game gains. For now, we do not know if they will ever do any promotions like this in the future. But we expect that Zebedee will keep on bringing value to its users in many ways.

Zebedee support
Wallet support is key. Especially in the world of today as crypto wallets have not been adopted to the mainstream yet. For those Bitcoin wallets that have a lot of their users from outside of the normal crypto space. Good customer service can help out a lot. Zebedee users can reach out to them for help on a few different platforms. The basic and for us always the go-to for direct questions is a customer support email address. When it comes to email support we would always like to see a response within at least 24 hours (exceptions for holidays).
Zebedee has so far responded to us every time within this time frame and thus checks this. But in case you don’t have 24 hours on hand and need help right away. You could try to ask on their Discord channel or Telegram Channel. We have tried out both with multiple questions and we always got a fast response from their group admins. But also often from enthusiastic group members. Which is great and shows that they have an active community that wants to help out newcomers.
Before you go asking their staff or Discord members, you should definitely check out their help/FAQ page. Here you can find many of the questions you could have already pre answered. This makes it both easier for you and their staff. So they can focus on more urgent matters.
Just in case you have a question for their support? you can contact them here.
Download Zebedee
If you like what you have read about so far, you can download Zebedee for both Android, IOS, and Web extensions. You can find them all by clicking here. If you do end up downloading it, please let us know your opinion about it on our review page. Let’s now look at some features, pros, and cons down below.
When It comes to extra features (besides sending and receiving crypto) Zebedee wallet offers the following.
- Lightning address
- A hub for Bitcoin games
- Easy login with social accounts
- 2fa protection
- changing the appearance with themes
Like every other Wallet out there, the Zebedee wallet has flaws and missing things. The flaws that we point out are of course based on our personal opinion and we would like to point out that they don’t always have to be a hindrance to anyone.
Zebedee is a great wallet for Bitcoin Gamers but like all wallets, we would always like to give some tips for improvements. The first would be to add an address book for your friends. As the wallet has a lot of social aspects to it we would love to see more of that so you can easily send money between your (gamer) friends.
Next, adding more than one account to it would help. Especially for those that have multiple lightning addresses or Zebedee accounts like ourselves. This can be nice if you would like to store some Sats in different wallets like we do (personal & company wallet). Or if you want to just keep some different stacks/saving jars.
As of last a little extra fiat onramp could drive some extra adoption of newcomers. As for now, you can only buy directly from Bitstamp within the wallet. We do understand however that Bitstamp is a partner of ZBD. But some more options for fiat onramps could help those that do not have a Bitstamp account or do not want to create an account with them at that time.
The Zebedee mobile and also web crypto wallet seems like a great crypto lightning wallet for all users. But especially for games. Although we still see some ways the wallet can improve. They keep on pushing updates to all their products all the time. And with their recent funding round, we can expect them to keep on delivering great work into the future.
The wallet has an open design and a pleasant UI. This makes it great for new BTC users and gamers coming to Bitcoin. This game-oriented focus gives them a good edge in the wallet market. Putting them in front of other lighting wallets when it comes to gaming.
We haven’t found anything else that we thought needed improvement and are very curious how Zebedee will evolve into the future. And what games and features they will come up with for their wallet.
The rating
Zebedee performs perfectly and meets all the requirements of a good Bitcoin lightning wallet. We decided to give the Zebedee wallet a 4,8-star rating out of 5 stars. Leaving some space for new features but with already a great Bitcoin product that we ourselves use basically every day.
Although here at Yada we do not give financial advice or advice on which crypto wallet to use. However, we do share our opinion, and we believe that the Zebedee wallet is a recommendable Bitcoin wallet for all crypto users around the world!
We really want to wish the best to the ZBD team, and its users alike. We hope this ZBD Wallet review can be useful for their users and their future developments.
The end
We hope you enjoyed our Zebedee wallet review. In case you do not agree with our Zebedee wallet review? You can test it out yourself and write your own Zebedee wallet review on today! And also don’t forget to check out what other people think about the Zebedee wallet.
Extra note: As always check the date and the update of this review to see if it is relevant. Wallets can add new functions and change designs to improve their product so a bad review now won’t mean they can’t be great in the future.
How to Withdrawal from Zebedee?
Withdrawing from the wallet is simple. Just press “request or pay”, select the amount, and then choose who to send it to. With either their gamer tag or lightning address. If you prefer to use the older invoice way of paying. You can also select scan on the home page and scan or copy a lightning invoice code. This will let you pay a payment request from someone else over the lightning network.
What is Bitcoin Lightning Network?
The Bitcoin lightning network is a payment layer built on top of Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin does its job fantastically by securing the global payment system. It does not process a lot of payments at a fast pace. That is why we can lock our Bitcoin onto the lightning network. This way Bitcoin can focus on security and Lightning focuses on supers fast micropayments. With both making use of the BTC currency.
What is a Sat/Satoshi?
A Sat or Satoshi is the smallest amount of Bitcoin. See it as a cent to a dollar. Only with Bitcoin instead of having 100 Sats per BTC. You have 100.000.000 Sats per BTC. The future transaction domination should thus be expressed in Satoshis. As paying 0.0000003 BTC for something would be annoying to say all the time, and saying 30 Sats feels more “normal”.
This should also answer the question of whether there is enough Bitcoin for everyone. Yes, because there are enough Satoshis for everyone.
What exchanges use the Lightning network?
Not that many as of now and still a lot of the big ones are missing. But these exchanges already offer support for it.
- Bitfinex
- Bitstamp
- Kraken
- OKcoin
- Paxful
- TheRockTrading
- CoinCorner
What Bitcoin games are there?
For now, we have this list. Consisting of some games for desktop and mobile. And we hope some consol games will join their ranks soon.
- Counter-Strike – Global Offensive for Desktop, with ZBD Infuse
- ZBD Karts – for Desktop
- SaruTobi – for mobile phones
- Lightning Crush – for Android
- Balls King! – for mobile phones
- Wheel of Crypto – for mobile phones
- Amazeballs – for mobile phones
- Wheel of Trivia – for mobile phones
What are the ZBD wallet limits?
That depends if you verify your ID or not. Without verifying your ID, you can send and receive up to 2,000,000 Sats per month and hodl up to 250,000 Sats in your wallet at the time.
If you do verify your identity, the limits increase to 25,000,000 Sats per month and 2,000,000 Sats maximum balance in your wallet.
Zebedee already said that as the Bitcoin Lightning Network grows, these limits will increase with it.
Extra note: So as always check the date of this review to see if it is relevant. Wallets can add new functions and change designs to improve their product so a bad review now won’t mean they can’t be great in the future.