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Muun Wallet Review

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Pros and Cons

Cheap/free transactions with the Bitcoin lightning network
Allows you to shows your Bitcoin in BTC instead of only fiat
Easily user-friendly design
Perfect for lightning network adoption
Does not yet offer a way for users that do not have any funds on the lightning network to get them there, which would have to send them to other companies of wallets first to get some Sats on the lightning network.

The Muun is a powerful Bitcoin Lightning Network wallet that’s good for beginners and experts alike. Muun wallet is a very clean wallet with ease of use and strong security, especially when it comes to making a wallet back-up. The wallet is completely non-custodial so all your funds stay with you at all times and no one else. Muun Support Both the Bitcoin mainchain as the Bitcoin Lightning network.


The Muun wallet has a very very clean design, with a white and blue theme, just like their logo. Starting the Muun wallet you will be asked to create an account. This account is used for you to create a backup of your wallet. But be aware that only you can get this back-up and that Muun can not send you your backup data as the wallet is non-custodial.

Once you have created an account in the Muun wallet. You can start sending and receiving Bitcoin on both the main chain and the lightning network. Simply select the send or receive button in the wallet tab to do so and then select whether you want to use the main chain of lightning. At the bottom of the wallet tab, you will find a little arrow that when pressed will show you your transactions history on both networks. This is great and very much appreciated. As it keeps the transaction history accessible but not messy like with many other wallets.


Besides the wallet tab in the Muun wallet, you can select a security tab and a settings tab. In the Security tab, you can make 3 forms of back-ups that will help you keep your funds secured. These 3 forms are a backup using your email account, alternative backup using a code, and creating an emergency kit containing the information you need to recover your wallet without using Muun. Then as last, there is a settings tab that lets you change the display currency, light or dark mode, your recovery password, and some advanced settings regarding the lightning network.

Is Muun wallet safe?

Yes, we have tested the wallets and they pass all the checks. On top of that, the wallet works as a non-custodial wallet. This means that only you have control of the assets in the wallet. So that makes you the one responsible for the safety of the Bitcoin in it. Besides passing our tests. You can also review the wallet yourself and check out their work on Github. When looking at the safety of any Bitcoin wallet you should keep in mind that with cryptocurrencies the responsibility lies with you almost 100% of the time. Using the backup options that we mentioned above can thus greatly improve your level of security.


When It comes to extra features (besides sending and receiving crypto) Muun wallet offers the following.

  • Instant and cheap transactions using the lightning network
  • Super-easy user interface (UI)
  • Multiple backup options so you never lose your funds
  • Fee selection
  • Great separate transaction screen that is easily findable in the wallet tab


Like every other Wallet out there, Muun wallet has flaws and missing things. The flaws that we point out are of course based on our personal opinion and we would like to point out that they don’t always have to be a hindrance to anyone.

The Muun wallet looks amazing and is super simple to use, but like everything, it could use some improvements. When it comes to Muun wallet there is not much we would recommend regarding the design but we would love to see some use cases for Bitcoin implemented within the wallet or a way that new users to the Bitcoin and Lightning network could get some Sats on their Muun wallet without having to go through a different application.


Muun wallet is a super lightning wallet that is usable by anyone new to crypto and experts alike. The design of the wallet gets a big thumbs up from us, as it is super self-explaining. Besides that, it is very nice to see that the wallet offers more than 1 option to secure your account with a backup which can be very useful. Overall the wallet functions exactly as we expected and is super fast when sending transactions over the lightning network. Because of all these reasons we have decided to rate the Muun wallet a whopping 4.8 out of 5 stars!

We hope you enjoyed our Muun Wallet review. In case you do not agree with our opinion? You can write your own Muun wallet review here! And also check out what other people think about the Muun wallet.

Other Bitcoin Lightning wallets

Also, check out our other Lightning network wallet reviews!

Extra note: So always check the date of this review to see if it is relevant. Wallets can add new functions and change designs to improve their product so a bad review now won’t mean they can’t be great in the future.

Review Update:

Our “con” was not 100% correct as with Muun wallet you don’t need any external service when using Muun to flip funds from on-chain to off-chain.

In Muun you have a single balance, from which you can send/receive both on-chain and off-chain.

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